Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Zahir By Paulo Coelho

Currently Listening To: Colors by Tori Amos

I'm a believer of so many things. I believe in almost everything that exists and in both good and bad that is within each breathing organism that surrounds me. 

It has been a year since I bought this book and started reading. It has traveled into 4 cities in Asia but I just finished reading the entire plot today. 

It is not the typical Paulo Coelho book that I like, I basically bought this out of the need to collect all his literary piece. I find the book a bit dragging but the end part made me think. I was not meant to read it last year. I was meant to finish reading it at this exact moment.

I always believe that certain things happens for a reason, that everything has its sole purpose as to why it has to be like this and that and now I must admit, finishing this piece came out at the perfect moment.

Like the lead character I've been blinded by the zahir. I've lived by it's shadows for the passed years and I've struggled hard enough to maintain the balance within me to keep me afloat in most days when it just feels like shit in most part.

I think that when you're in love with a person, you don't require any answers to all the questions that you have in mind, you just let things be. You don't have to understand the choices that came along instead you have to accept and embrace the pain that goes with it. You acknowledge your weakness and the strength that will come out from all the decisions that you made and are about to make.

At the end of the book, it did not matter whether she got pregnant by another man nor how long she waited for him to come back, or how much he wanted answers for all the questions he had. It didn't matter because when they found each other, the contentment of finding each other was all the mattered. The acceptance for the past and the clear embracement of the present and the future is all the mattered.

I don't really know if I'm making any sense now but I feel a different high. Every Paulo Coelho collection is inspiring and unique in so many ways. You learn from each stories and you can relate at some instances though your experiences are randomly different from what was written.


  1. i never read this book but i heard its good...i am a fan of Coelho too...I got Aleph, Manual of the warrior of the light and some collections of this short stories...But as you have mentioned here n ur blog---it grew curiosity in me even more...

  2. It's not the typical book man gud na he writes... hanging at the end part but what mattered was their acceptance for their individual differences. i don't know ky lain2x man ta perspectives, read the book oi :p

  3. okok---i just finished the aleph....maybe later this month when I buy a new book..I am interested reading 11 minutes and zahir...heard much...but soon...i get the time...
