Monday, January 2, 2017

Hello 2017

New year, new day. Hello 2017! Second day of the year and I still feel a little bit sick with a hint of feels from the past year. I think transitioning from something you're accustomed to, to something exciting and new to start fresh can be a bit overwhelming but as most people would say, it's all in the mindset and so, I am fixating mine, to more awesome ideals and goals with hopes of turning them to reality.

2016 was a great year for me. A lot of fun adventures took place while I also watched the world slowly crumble with all the sad news that were posted on different social media sites but overall, the year that has been is still perfect with great imperfections in between.

I say it's perfect because I got to spend my days with the people who makes existing ridiculously fun every day. As the year kicks off, I hope to write more of the adventures and recipes that I'll be learning and maybe some of the things I will see. For now, I'm going to share a very special photo of someone really special to me - my love.
This photo was taken when he came to visit me last year. The bravest man I've met, first time to travel alone to an Asian country just to be with an Asian girl. But I couldn't complain, it was the perfect of most perfect surprise last year. We just celebrated our second Christmas Season together via video call and now looking forward to waking up smelling each others morning breath in a few weeks :D 

Ahh yeah, this is my boyfriend by the way. Happy New Year everyone! 

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