Saturday, December 29, 2018

Nine Best of 2018

Counting down the days until it's finally 2019. This year had been nothing but wonderful. This year is too awesome that putting a collage of just 9 photos is not enough. But before I go into the jest of that, belated Merry Christmas everyone! I hope your celebrations were filled with gratitude, peace, happiness and love. Let's not forget the real essence of this day which is to celebrate the birth of our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, on our final entry for this year. I want to share a very childish thing I did on Christmas eve. Every Christmas, I always made sure to give gifts to everyone I love, no matter how inexpensive it is. The important thing is to share what little blessings you have to those whose eyes will light up with excitement with the thought of receiving and opening a gift. I did just that, my usual routine every year. In my gut feeling, I know that I won't be getting any thing and I know I won't be receiving any package from my husband because it's not his thing. But I was still hopeful. Then Christmas eve came and all the names were called and mine was not - and there in the face - in all my red lipstick - made up face - I wanted to cry. I felt sad and like a child who was not called to be part of the dance group - I hated the thought that none of the people in the room I was in, bothered to wrap something for me. And so I complained to my husband.

The following morning, I woke up a little broken hearted but then I realised that I received so much more than any gifts that any one can wrapped for me. This year was all about receiving good graces from God even though I didn't asked for most of them. In one of the social media platforms - Instagram, some people are using the hashtag #2018bestnine to post the top best nine photos they have for this year and that is the inspiration of this entry.

2018 started with a banged for me. Here's a brief description of the photos I have chosen to include in my nine best of 2018.
1. At the beginning of the year, Martijn and I got engaged and secured a wedding date.
2. Got to see my aunts whom I haven't seen in years. 
3. Martijn and I got married in a civil ceremony in Holland.
4. Celebrated our marriage with family and finally got to meet Martijn's sister and her partner who lives in Czech Republic.
5. We got to tour the famous Rijksmuseum and got to see the "night's watch" by Rembrant. 
6. Was able to successfully host my first birthday dinner.
7. When I went back home from Holland, my parents decided to move to Davao, so we can live in my house. Thus, the need to bring Mobee there - it was a success.
8. This year I finally took the Basic Dutch Integration Exam (hopefully I passed, that's for another blog for next year).
9. Got to spend the holidays with my family. 

You see, this is not even half of what I have received this year. There's more to this photos but can't put in the collage anymore. I may have whined for not getting a gift but I am thankful that I realised right away how blessed I have been. Sometimes, we forget the real essence of this season which is God's gift of life for each and every one of us. I am here, healthy, with food in my hands and a roof above my head. I have my family beside me, my husband, his family and my friends just a message and call away. I am beyond blessed and I hope we get to be grateful for these things apart from being grateful to the material things that we have received. I did get some wrapped presents from my in laws in Holland and my husband - but I have yet to open them when I'm back next year.

Wishing all of us a wonderful year ahead and a lovely end of the year. May we not forget to give thanks and enjoy the little things that matters. Happy Holidays!

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