Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Davao Oriental

Currently Listening To: A.I Contestants. :O

So, this is a long overdue entry for my weekend getaway to Davao Oriental. I know I have been a bit lazy these past few days. Like really lazy... blame it on the weather as what my friend Baron once said.:O

Anyhows, Davao Oriental is on the east coast of Mindanao which is the southern most part of the Philippines.

The main purpose of our roadtrip was to visit my dad's province in Holycross and to check out the sceneries along the way.

I must say, I was so excited about the roadtrip that I ended up waking up at 3a instead of 4a. :O But it was worth it and I had fun.

According to my dad, travel time will be about 3 hours but as I was counting it on the car clock... it took around 4 hours including stops and so on.

My mom's younger brother and older sister along with my cousin tagged along for the trip and of course my lovely pet was present.:O
Welcome to Davao Oriental! Reasons why I have to go here... my parents met in this province and I was born in this part of the country. :O
First stop was Lupon Province to which my Aunt Lanie resides. We immediately went to their port area to check out their hanging bridge like thing where you have to pass to ride the ferry. Insane I should say because they are made of floaters which is scary. :O
Aunt Lanie's house in Lupon. Pretty along the road and with traditional design. Which I like. If I were to create my own house, I would definitely have this kind of design mixed with high edge add ons.:O
View along the way.:O
San Nicolas Parish in Mati, Davao Oriental. Finally on our second stop.:O San Nicolas is my patron saint and it's rightfully right to offer prayer and thanksgiving for all the blessings I had had for the past 26 years.:O
And I was born in this hospital. Not on this building though 'coz this is a new one. But omg! I was born here. Freaking cool.:O

3rd Stop Tarragona. :O This beach is along the road and everyone's free to just take off their clothes and jump into the waves. Really nature at it's best. No pollution and uber private. All you need to bring with you is yourself... a few drinks... a tent perhaps and a good car.:O And mind you, no one will judge you if you wear nothing.:O hahaha
Lunch. Jollibee Burger Steak.:O The best!:O
More Pics.:O
Finally, we're in Holycross... This place is totally rocking and facing the Pacific Ocean. This is I should say my dad and his relatives territory.:O
Before basking into the beach and the place. We decided to pay visit to my Uncle Batchao's crave. The cemetery there was not the typical cemetery that you see in the city but nonetheless it was homie but I jusrt wished that the government can do more in making it more organized and so.
Uncle Batchao's second child. He's just too cute for words.:O
Uncle Batchao's Family.

Holycross... finally after the long drive and mudslides we went through. We got a glimpse of the Pacific Ocean. Though, it's just a portion... still it's work it.:O
This is a mini pool in the middle of a rock formation. Pretty amazing I should say.:O This is like the safest place for kids and adults who can't swim.:O
This is the pool that I post to in the photo above.:O
Cool rock formation. I bet when the sea level is so up... it goes up to this rocks.:O
Yes! And I was wearing two piece.:O As I've mentioned in my previous entry. I shall be wearing a sexy thing on this shore because it's private property. Basically, this is the place where you would want to camp using a tent... light a bonfire and take on a few drinks with someone you love because no one will bother you. It's super quite and the beach is all yours.:O

Last stop is Dahican, Mati Davao Oriental...
Min Baby at Dahican.:O
And then, there's the skim boarding competition. Pretty cool. These guys were just resting in tents for like 4 days. Amazing. I won't survive that.:O
It's my moment to shine!:O LoL! Hahaha
For a final pit stop... The sleeping dinosaur. Amazing.:O
All in all this roadtrip was worth the drive and lack of sleep.:O Seeing all those nature sceneries made me appreciate Mother Nature more.

I've always love long drives and passing through under the trees on the road sides. And it's always refreshing to see those scenes around.

I never thought that I'll be able to survived such long drive. Last time I was in this place was 5 years ago and I must say, this time... everything has improved. The streets and the place along the way.

I think the best part of it all was being able to bath in the Pacific Ocean. It's not everyday that I get the chance to do that. It was the first time that I totally rocked a bathing suit after 3 years of not wearing one. And I had so much fun under the sun though I had so much in mind at the time.

I know, I am a good actress and I am really good at posing and hiding everything inside.

For me, it was the best weekend to date. Being near the sea gave me peace of mind and I wished it never ended. I wanted to stay longer there. I can probably live there forever. Ever since, I went to Vaxjo, Sweden last year... I've been fascinated by the idea of living near a body of water.

It simply gives you this kind of calmness and peace.

Looking forward to spending another moment by the sea/beach soon.:O

'til later *-*

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