Thursday, May 26, 2016

Gusto Mare

A few months ago, I've written an entry about Gusto Urban Cafe + Wine Bar and had mentioned a whole loads of good stuff because they're serving really good stuff. The cafe that I blogged about is at the heart of the Cebu and now we're heading down south - SRP for their other branch - Gusto Mare. I've never been into a beach themed restaurant before and have to admit - the interiors, views, vibes and food was fantastic.
*They have a small function area for goods who prefers a little private hang out chill.
Caramel Cheesecake, talk about putting cheesecake into a whole new level. The taste was authentically different from the usual cheesecakes we're used to - the caramel taste gives it an extra boast of caffeine like texture.
*The decors heading to the restroom til the toilet itself was beautiful. It had that home vibe by the beach which I'm pretty sure a lot of people envied and would want for their own place.
Scaloppine, is a thinly sliced pork with coating paired with rice (placed in a funky dish ware) - and I have to say, it was super delish. 
*The hanging lights were made from steel buckets, it was very DIY feels and it looks really cute.
*The cake corner was lined with sweets treats, to which people like me would end up drooling. I also tried their Chocolate Eclair and it was yummy. 
Ravioli, it is by far my favourite pasta from a local restaurant here in Cebu. The authenticity of the flavours was great and how the pasta was made was perfection. It's got the Italian vibe.
*The view is spectacular, specially during day time.  I suggest people should drop by during lunch or past lunch and have the option to stay indoor or outdoor to see such view.
Pesce Alforno, is baked whole Lapu-lapu fish topped with mashed potatoes and paired with rice and again, it is delicious. Perfectly baked and the rice is also seasoned well.

All in all, I love the Gusto Mare experience. By far in both branches, I couldn't complain on anything. Everything is neat, the food is great, the servers are fantastic and the place is superbly decorated in a very relax way. Price is a bit pricey on certain dishes and on some bottles of wines but it's worth every penny. I highly recommend checking out any of their branches around Cebu for that laid back, intimate experience after a day's work or on weekends with love ones.

For more, you can check out their Facebook page

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